Biggest Climbing Gyms in the US: Official List


10-biggest-gyms-2013_largeMany gyms claim to be the biggest in the nation, state or region. But there hasn’t been a way to verify their claims or see how new gyms stack up agains the rest, until now! Here is the official and definitive list of the top ten largest climbing gyms in America.

So how did we do it? First, we asked what constitutes the “biggest”. Some gyms advertise their square feet of climbing so that’s the first place we looked. But many gyms also advertise the size of their building. So we put it our readers; the results of our informal survey showed that 95% of people thought that the size of the climbing wall (square feet of climbing surface) was the way to go. We agree and so that’s the metric we used to rank the gyms.

We did not just take the gyms word for it, so when we could we sought out the official size of the climbing wall by going straight to the source, the wall manufacturer.

This project would not have been possible without the help of Jon Lachelt! Thanks also to Walltopia, Entre Prises and Nicros for their support in helping us get to the top of the biggest gyms in America!

Harness Consulting