Climbing Insider News Weekly: April 23

Climbing Insider News Weekly: April 23
Photo by Eddie Fowke @thecircuitclimbing

Just a few thoughts

Change keeps on coming, during springtime and year-round. Whether it’s talented professionals joining our organizations, innovative products improving our gyms and goals, evolving comp schedules or new faces on the podiums, life always keeps us on our toes. And just as tricky footwork makes us better climbers, so can change make us better humans… if we’re willing to grow.

Gym & Comp Beta

What Will the Pandemic Do To Climbing Gyms? (Noah Walker, Gripped)
“Financial instability has left its mark on business owners and prospective entrepreneurs. The next wave of pandemic-influenced climbing gyms will surely differ from their predecessors.” – Noah Walker

What the First World Cup Told Us About the Upcoming Olympics (John Burgman, Climbing)
“…the Meiringen World Cup should be considered a breakout international performance for the United States’ Natalia Grossman…solid scores throughout all rounds and a bronze medal make Grossman just as much a name to watch as the bouldering World Cup season progresses.” – John Burgman

Video: Eddie Fowke’s Abrupt Removal, Janja’s New Record, Best and Worst of Meiringen (Tyler Norton, Plastic Weekly)

Training Tips

Podcast: Extra Effort vs. Overtraining (The Power Company)
“Giving that extra bit of effort can make all the difference, but there is a thin line between that and overdoing it…” – Kris Hampton

How to Get Back to Grips with Climbing Post-Lockdown (Xian Goh, UK Climbing)
“Now more than ever, we need to take care of each other. Why not start your return to climbing by asking your climbing partner – How can I support you today?” – Xian Goh

Video: Rehabbing Injured Fingers (Lattice Training)

Video: Hangboard, Campusing, and Weighted Pullups BEFORE or AFTER Climbing? (Hooper’s Beta)

Capitan software


CWA News & Beta

CWA Hires a New Executive Director
“[Horwitz’] exhaustive experience managing events, expos, and member-based organizations will prove critical as the CWA continues to lead the industry out of the pandemic.” – CWA

The 13th Month: Retail In Climbing Gyms (Todd McCormick)
“Just like a movie theater would miss out on profits by not offering concessions, a gym without a retail shop is missing out not only on profits but also on improving each customer’s experience in your gym.” – Todd McCormick

Video: Community Call – Gym Mitigation and Survival (GYMS) Act HR 890

CBJ Originals

New Olympic Climbing Uniforms Released (John Burgman)
“As a climber, one of the most important aspects of your gear is that it doesn’t weigh you down on your way up the wall, and these uniforms truly feel like you are wearing nothing.” – Nathaniel Coleman

Salt Lake City and Reno to Host 2021 Paraclimbing and Youth Nationals
“We’re excited to see our climbing community come back together after a long year apart, and while we’re not looking at a ‘normal’ competition yet, I’m grateful for the work that the team at USA Climbing has done to ensure that competition can continue safely.” – Maureen Beck

New Techtopia Device Leverages AI for Climbing Gym Safety
“It’s an exciting time to be living and working, especially in IT. Various digital enabling technologies, such as AI and IoT, have come of age together, allowing us to work and operate in ways that were impossible a few years ago.” – Dian Deskov

Introducing MyClimb’s Climbing Goals
“MyClimb is excited to release a goal setting feature to complement climb logging in the app. Users can now create a variety of goals to stay motivated inside and outside of the gym.” – MyClimb

HWOW 53: Volumes Add Dimension To This Garage Wall

Thrill Seeker Holds