First International Routesetter Survey

Vertical Life route setter survey
Vertical Life route setter survey
Photo: Vertical-Life

Italy-based Vertical Life – which primarily develops software for the climbing industry – has launched what the company describes as “the first comprehensive survey of routesetting around the world.” By taking a closer look at the nuts and bolts of routesetting fundamentals, operations and careers, the survey intends to identify similarities and differences in routesetting standards and promote exchange within the routesetting profession.

In the wake of continued climbing gym growth, multiple surveys have sprung up to assess the evolving industry. The American Alpine Club released a State of Climbing report last month, for instance, and the Climbing Wall Association will begin fielding the 2019 Indoor Climber Survey later this month. The Climbing Business Journal also surveys routesetters every year for feedback about climbing hold preferences in the Grip List survey.

Full-time, part-time and contracted routesetters of all experience levels are invited to complete the Vertical Life survey throughout the month of August here. Results will be published in the November 2019 issue of Route Setter magazine, a Vertical Life publication. Participants will receive a link to the online magazine and a printed copy will be sent to your gym.

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