CBJ Gets a Makeover – Core Values Remain

new Climbing Business Journal website

new Climbing Business Journal website

Long-time Climbing Business Journal readers will quickly notice—if they have not already—that the CBJ website has been completely redesigned to improve the user experience and accommodate CBJ’s ever-expanding offerings. Users now have quick access to what is trending. They are also able to navigate categorized gym projects with greater ease and peruse CBJ’s extensive back catalog of articles like Gyms & Trends and Grip List awards.

With the new website comes several recurring features. These include Behind the Desk, a new series that profiles members of the gym industry. Recent interviewees for Behind the Desk include Danny Bulkhead, General Manager at The Circuit in Tigard, Oregon, and Kristina Ericson, Events Coordinator at The Cliffs Climbing and Fitness in New York.

Another new addition to CBJ’s regular content is a roundup of routesetting educational opportunities. Roundups will be published as additional clinics get announced. CBJ will also be increasing and expanding its coverage of new gym construction projects and developments.

Scott Rennak at ABS3 Nationals
Scott Rennak managing the isolation zone at ABS3 Championship at Berkeley Ironworks. Photo: ABS

Climbing Business Journal’s staff is evolving too. Founder Mike Helt recently left the journal, although he still maintains a consultant role. Taking over the publisher role previously held by Helt is Scott Rennak. Rennak has extensive experience in management, marketing and branding within the climbing industry. He has worked with a wide range of gyms and brands, including The Spot, Kilter, Colorado Mountain School, Boulder Rock Club, and the Mountain Games in Vail. Rennak has also held positions on the boards of USA Climbing and the Flatirons Climbing Council. He began as a routesetter, gym owner, hold manufacturer and event organizer. As the founder of the American Bouldering Series, Rennak is considered one of the forefathers of the modern American competition climbing scene.

Rennak has penned a letter to readers – Climbing Has Grown Up.

Yet, even with all the exciting changes and updates, Climbing Business Journal’s focus and aims have not changed. The journal continues to keep its finger on the pulse of the climbing industry, and the staff is committed to delivering the same business-related news and stories that have always been at the core of the journal.

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