USAC Seeking New Hold/Macro/Volume Suppliers

Bouldering at a televised USA Climbing competition. Photo courtesy of USA Climbing
USAC is seeking new Hold/Macro/Volume Suppliers for its competitions (pictured here).
Bouldering at a televised USA Climbing competition. Photo courtesy of USA Climbing

USA Climbing (USAC)―the governing body for competition climbing in the U.S.―is looking for new partners in its Hold/Macro/Volume Supplier category for the 2020-2021 season and calling for proposals from interested brands. The Supplier level includes up to 15 brands  from around the industry and requires a commitment of $2,500 in cash and $4,000 in value-in-kind (holds, macros, volumes, etc.) which will be used on USAC competitions.

A selection committee comprised of active Level 5 USAC Certified Routesetters, the National Team Head Coach and USAC staff will decide the new suppliers. Commitment to USAC’s mission, quantity and quality of shapes for comps specifically, and history with USAC comp hosts were cited as determining factors. Current hold suppliers will have the chance to be grandfathered in for the 2020-2021 season. Hold brands currently listed as partners on USAC’s website include Blue Pill, Blocz, Cheeta, eGrips, Flathold, Kilter, Squadra and Teknik, among others.

Trango Holds Pardners


The request for proposals (RFP) comes a week after USAC opened the bidding process to host key 2021 competitions. At the start of the year, USAC also signed a multi-year partnership with Yeti, which became a new Title Sponsor and its Official Sustainability Partner. Other USAC partners include The North Face, Butora, Clif Bar & Company, Entre-Prises, Petzl and others.

All hold supplier proposals must include a completed application and may be submitted to Zachary Brinchi, USAC Marketing & Communications Manager, and Mike Bockino, USAC Routsetting Program Manager. The deadline for submission is July 15, 2020, and more information can be found on USAC’s web page for RFPs.

Harness Consulting