HWOW 12 – Backyard Coronavirus Homewall in So Cal

CBJ Homewall of the Week

This week’s Home Wall of the Week is another Covid build, with another bright and fun paint job. This one lives in a backyard in La Mesa, California. It’s owner Thomas C.’s second homewall, he seems to be getting the hang of it!

CBJ Homewall of the Week

When did you build your wall?

I started this build around mid April after realizing that it would be a while before I could return to my home gym.

How long did it take you to build?

This build took me about two weeks to complete. I enjoyed taking my time on the entire build.


Not including holds and padding, how much did it cost you to build?

This build cost me between 350-400 dollars.

Did anything in particular inspire your wall design?

This would be my second homewall build. My first was done in the garage of my previous residence. After moving to where I live now I was lucky enough to have a backyard that offered more space to truly express my interest in building a bigger and better homewall.
This wall design was most definitely inspired by a Facebook group designated towards homewall builds. After months of looking at all the different builds that were going up, I knew I had to build a new wall for myself.

CBJ Homewall of the Week

What was the most difficult aspect of the design and build?

The most difficult aspect of building this wall had to be deciding if it was going to be a freestanding wall or a permanent climbing wall. In the end, I decided to go with a permanent structure and I couldn’t be happier!

What would you do differently?

If I were to do anything differently I would have made the wall adjustable to different degrees of overhang.

CBJ Homewall of the Week

What is your favorite aspect?

My favorite aspect of this wall has to be the paint job. I wasn’t quite set on any particular design. One day I decided to just start taping the plywood and paint, it worked out great!

Any words of wisdom to aspiring homewallers?

If you are inspired, GO FOR IT! You won’t regret it.

Want us to consider your woodie for a future Homewall of the Week? Submit your homewall here to be considered. If yours is chosen you’ll win a prize pack like this (varied prizes each week):

CBJ Homewall of the Week
