Climbing Insider News Weekly: November 20

Climbing Insider News Weekly: November 20
Photo by Aaron Sprengler, courtesy of The Spot
Climbing Insider News Weekly: November 20
Photo by Aaron Sprengler, courtesy of The Spot

Just a few thoughts.

‘Déjà vu all over again’ sounds about right for this period. At this point we’ve been around the block, and hopefully made wiser because of it. Many of the same lessons like focusing on your health too, having a growth mindset, adapting to meet the needs of our communities, putting safety first and sticking together still apply…just all over again.

Content for Climbing Insiders

How Risky Are Indoor Sports This Winter? (Jenny Marder, NYT)
“Parents should consider multiple factors, including the facility’s size and ventilation (big and well ventilated is best), the amount of physical contact in the sport and whether players are required — or able — to wear masks…”

Climbing Gyms – Innovation in Recreation (Noah Walker, Gripped)
“I met a member yesterday. He told me, ‘If you close another time, we’re going to be there. Don’t freeze my account, I’m going to pay, I don’t mind.’ That is the idea behind a community.” – Vincent Legare

Video: Soul Deep – the Story of Memphis Rox (Black Diamond)
“In the heart of Soulsville in south Memphis, Tennessee, a revolution is happening. And it all starts with climbing. This is the story of Memphis Rox, a climbing gym that has transcended the classic model of business…It’s a glimpse into the future where a climbing gym can become a crucible for diversity, inclusivity and community.”

Controversy in Brooklyn (Delaney Miller, Gym Climber)
“While I don’t have perfect information about all the things that have happened in the past, my top priority is a fresh start for the organization and ensuring that in people’s lived experience with us, whether they be staff or our members, that they feel that they’ve been treated with respect and with dignity, and that the organization is fundamentally structured in a way that is equitable.” – Martin Adler

What the Election Results Mean for Climbing (Access Fund)

Upcoming Virtual Events

No Man’s Land Showings Oct – Nov

Vertical Life Film Tour Nov – Dec

REEL Rock 15 Global Online Premiere Dec 15

O.R. Winter Online Jan – Mar



Beta for Gym Managers

Survey: Help Gather Data for Industry Advocacy (CWA)
“Having an accurate count of each facility’s specifications will help us present industry wide data on the ways that a climbing gym is uniquely poised to mitigate the transmission risks associated with COVID-19.”

Community Call on Nov 23: Gym Reclosures (CWA)
“Now more than ever it is important to work together to provide the most accurate information to the authorities that are creating reopening guidelines and recommending closures.”

How to Self-Advocate to Local Health Authorities (CWA)
“Your local health authority has the best intentions and we all want to do our part in ending the pandemic too, but more often than not the people tasked with creating reopening policies know very little about our sport or our operations.”

CWA Dashboards: OctoberSeptemberAugustJuly

The State of Climbing Gyms Nine Months into the Pandemic (Bennett Slavsky, Climbing Mag)
“It’s pretty interesting to note that a lot of climbing gyms closed down before it was mandated to do so, because they thought it was the right thing to do to protect their communities…By and large the control measures you see in a climbing gym are much higher standard and the people there are more often complying with them.” – Garnet Moore

CBJ Original Articles

What Gyms Can Learn from This Year’s Yank-N-Yard (John Burgman)
“We strongly felt that we had to do something to bring back, on an appropriate scale for the pandemic times, some of the feeling that this tradition created in our community for the last 24 years.” – Bryan Pletta

Digital Halls & Walls 2020 Focuses on Data and Optimism
“Despite the current challenges, participants in the roundtable showed optimism and noted the importance of keeping a growth mindset.”

USA Climbing Hires New Finance Director

HWOW: Carport Homewall in the Southeast
“Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends. It’s amazing how many people stepped up to help us when all we could give them was a free meal or our inadequate but profuse thanks.” – Jeremy and Nicole Jennings
