Climbing and Rock and Ice to Merge

Climbing and Rock and Ice to merge
Gym Climber was launched two years ago by Big Stone Publishing and will reportedly remain an "important property for [Pocket Outdoor Media] in 2021." Photo courtesy of Big Stone Publishing

Climbing and Rock and Ice to merge
Gym Climber was launched two years ago by Big Stone Publishing and will reportedly remain “an especially important property for [Pocket Outdoor Media] in 2021.” Photo courtesy of Big Stone Publishing
It was recently announced that Pocket Outdoor Media, the publisher of Climbing magazine, has acquired Big Stone Publishing—the publisher of Rock and Ice, Gym Climber, and other popular titles.


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Upon this announcement, Robin Thurston, CEO of Pocket Outdoor Media, indicated that Rock and Ice and Climbing magazine—the two leading print titles for climbing content in the United States—will soon be combining to form a single title. “By merging Rock and Ice into Climbing, we’ll be better positioned to deliver exceptional content and cover all of the sport’s disciplines—trad, sport, gym, and alpine climbing—in ways not possible before,” Thurston said in a press release.

In the press release, Thurston gave no indication if or how Gym Climber—which first launched in 2018—would be impacted by the merger. However, a report on by Andrew Weaver stated, “Gym Climber, the leading publication catering to the bouldering community and indoor climbers, will be an especially important property for [Pocket Outdoor Media] in 2021, company leaders said, as gym climbing makes its debut at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo.” Additionally, Weaver noted confirmation from Thurston that all staff from Rock and Ice and Gym Climber will be offered positions at Pocket Outdoor Media.

Pocket Outdoor Media’s diverse array of “lifestyle content” spans various media forms and now includes magazines such as Backpacker, Trail Runner, Triathlete, Yoga Journal, SKI, and many others—in addition to the aforementioned climbing titles.

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