The Clinics Honolulu

The Clinics

The Clinics

The Clinics comes from a desire to create a symbiotic relationship between business’ and people. Our goal is to provide a space for a business transaction to not only benefit the business selling the goods (ie, us) but the business (gym) that makes the purchase, as well as the community that supports those businesses. What better venue for this symbiosis then sharing knowledge via clinics and workshops.

The Clinic spots will be provided to gyms that support us. The gym will benefit by educating their owners, staff and setters, as well as bringing in others from around the globe to enjoy the experience.

The Clinics Honolulu:

  • Friday March 31st and Saturday April 1st
  • HiClimb, 825 Ilaniwai St, Honolulu, HI 96813
  • Instructors Flannery Shay-Nemirow and Joey Jannsen


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Setter Summit