Sender One To Host SCS Open

Photo: SCS Open at Movement, Boulder, CO
Photo: SCS Open at Movement, Boulder, CO
Just months after its grand opening, Sender One has been named host facility of the 2014 Sport Climbing Series (SCS) Open National Championships, the United States’ premier sport climbing competition. Sender One owner Chris Sharma, one of the world’s best climbers, will make his first appearance in the competition since 2009. The competition-climbing world will converge on Santa Ana on April 4th and 5th as the country’s best professional climbers compete in sport and speed climbing, with the top finishers eligible to move on to the World Cup circuit and World Championships. The event will be internationally webcast by USA Climbing. Sender One is the newest world-class climbing gym in the United States and opened to widespread acclaim in June 2013. Located in Orange County, California, Sender One’s 25,000 square foot facility features, among other things, dramatically designed climbing walls and surfaces up to 50 feet in height. Sender One will host a Vendor Village outside the gym that will feature displays by the top climbing and outdoor product companies as well as local, southern California-based partners. Mary-Clare Brennan, USA Climbing CEO, states, “USA Climbing is extremely pleased to partner with Sender One to host the SCS Open National Championships at their facility in 2014. We expect 2014 to be a landmark year for this event and for the sport of climbing.” “I’m really excited and proud that my gym, Sender One, will be hosting SCS Nationals,” shares Chris Sharma. “It’ll be great to have all of the country’s best climbers here sharing their love for the sport and putting on a great show for Southern California as well as the rest of the country. It will be a great time! I’m also excited to compete and see if I can give the young’uns a run for their money!” USA Climbing and Sender One will release more information as the event approaches.

Is Your Gym Guilty of Music Piracy?

At this very moment, climbing gyms across America are pumping pop, rock, reggae and other background music into their facilities to entertain customers while they climb or work out. Whether the music came from CDs or MP3s, satellite radio or streaming music services like Pandora and Spotify — or whatever other music service their hip, young staff have discovered — chances are the music being played is in violation of federal law. While you may be entitled to personal use of this music, according to U.S. Copyright Law playing music at your business is considered a “public performance” and requires a license from the copyright holder. The reasoning behind the license is that your business is benefiting from the performance of the music, and thus the artists should be fairly compensated. In the U.S. music licensing is managed by a handful of Performing Rights Organizations (PROs): ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers), BMI and SESAC. The royalties collected by the these organizations are distributed to the artists, authors, composers, publishers and other rightsholders.


  About now some you may be congratulating yourself for being a lawful license holder because you were savvy enough to sign up for a business account through Pandora (Pandora for Business by DMX) or SiriusXM for Business. These services promise to provide unlimited, ad-free and fully licensed music for your business. DMX advertises that they have partnered with Pandora “to provide legal and licensed personalized radio specifically for business use.” SiriusXM for Business claims “We save you both time and money by paying all royalty fees including ASCAP, BMI and SESAC — costs you would otherwise incur if you use CDs, MP3s or regular radio for your overhead music.” Unfortunately, if you are using these services at your climbing facility you are still breaking the law. Tucked deep in their terms and customer agreements is this unfortunate clause: “The Service is not authorized for use in connection with a business that charges an admission fee (such as nightclubs, bowling alleys, fitness centers, skate parks, etc).” A spokesman for Mood Media, which owns DMX, confirmed that the Pandora for Business service would only be allowed in areas “where people can be without paying a fee – such as a lobby or front desk area.” While restaurants, coffee shops, retail stores, hair salons, medical offices, hotels and the like are allowed to use these services to play music day and night, a climbing gym that charges admission is not.


The U.S. copyright Law does have some exemptions for small businesses that meet certain criteria. According to Section 110 of the law a business may perform music broadcast by a radio or television station providing the facility is either, (1) less than 2,000 square feet, or (2) the music is broadcast by not more than 6 speakers, of which not more than 4 speakers are located in any room. Even if you do meet these criteria, you will still be subjected to the DJ chatter and commercials broadcast by these stations.


It is true that, because of the difficulty of monitoring the millions of performances of copyrighted music taking place every day, many businesses do not pay the royalties they should. However, performance rights organizations have grown increasingly vigilant about enforcing their licensing agreements. The Better Business Bureau informs its members that they should not be surprised if they are contacted and offered music licensing agreements by ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC representatives—either by mail, phone or in person. Furthermore, BMI and ASCAP file hundreds of copyright infringement lawsuits each year, although historically these lawsuits have targeted restaurant and bar owners. According to the BBB, performing music without the proper license could lead to a civil suit in federal court with fines of up to $150,000 for each copyrighted song, plus the copyright owners’ legal fees.


If you do want to follow the letter of the law, what are your options? One avenue is to obtain a blanket license from all three of the PROs: BMI, ASCAP and SESAC. The PROs determine your licensing fee based on your businesses category, although each use a different methodology for determining how much your license will cost. An annual license from BMI for background music at an indoor recreation facility is a flat rate of $660 per year. A license from ASCAP for a fitness center, according to the customer service representative we spoke to, will cost $230 for up to 3 speakers, with each additional speaker adding $47. SESAC doesn’t list their license fees online, and we were unable to reach a spokesperson to confirm their rates. Thankfully these blanket licenses will cover all types of music played at your facility, whether its music played from your iPod, streamed from the web, beamed from a satellite or performed by a DJ or live band — yes, even live performances require a license. However, music played during a fitness class is a special situation that is not covered by the blanket public performance license! The other option is contract with a commercial music service. CBJ was able to locate one service, Rockbot, that provides music and licensing services to businesses in the fitness industry. According to Garrett Dodge, co-founder of Rockbot, their service can be used to provide background music to fitness centers that charge a membership fee (but is not licensed for use during fitness classes). Simple enough, right? Of course, we recommend that you speak to a trusted attorney to ensure that you are meeting all requirements of the law.

5 Ways to Boost Member Referrals

member-referrals Climbing gyms in America typically don’t have much of a marketing budget, and even though they may not know it they rely almost exclusively on word of mouth marketing. For better or worse, your members are your sales force. Historically climbing gyms have relied on their first-mover advantage; being the only climbing gym in town has its benefits. But those benefits run out very fast when a second climbing gym moves into the area. When that happens a market disruption takes place and customers finally have a choice as to where they spend their time and money. Customers don’t just take their money with them when they switch to a new gym, they also take their friends. According to McKinsey & Company, a management consulting firm:
Word of mouth is the primary factor behind 20 to 50 percent of all purchasing decisions. Its influence is greatest when consumers are buying a product for the first time or when products are relatively expensive, factors that tend to make people conduct more research, seek more opinions, and deliberate longer than they otherwise would.
All gyms are local and people still talk to each other face to face; at school, at work and even in your gym. They’re going to talk whether you like it or not so you might as well give them something positive to talk about. Here are 5 ways to get your customer’s friends coming through the door.

1. Appreciation days

Your members are connected to a variety of communities that hold untapped customer potential. So let them be your ambassador! Offering an appreciation day for teachers, service workers, firefighters and military are just a few groups other gyms have targeted. By why not branch out? Creating special deals to members of different professions, hobbies or neighborhoods could give your members a good excuse to talk about your gym while they are at work, at the book club or their local market.

2. Free guest passes

This low tech approach is one of the best ways to get new customers signing up. Everybody knows somebody at the office that would “just love climbing”. But getting them to pay for a $12 – $20 day pass might be too big a hurdle for the first time customer who just wants to try it out. Offering free guest passes is a great way to allow your members to bring in their friends and get them hooked on your gym. Here’s how it works: Every month each of your members will have a guest pass directly added to their account that they can use to bring in a person that has never been to your facility.

3. Date night

For adventurous athletic people going to dinner and a movie just doesn’t cut it. They want a better way to show their date a good time. Offering a date night or singles night uses your current members to bring in fresh customers. Your members are the best speaker box for your gym and many members want to show off how cool, strong or athletic they are. Many of you may balk at turning your gym into a meat market, but let me assure you it already is. Now with “date night” you can use that to your advantage by harnessing the power of love! Just make sure to get them to sign the membership contract before they break up!

4. Throw a party!

Any excuse to throw a party is a good excuse. Hosting a party and offering half-price or even free day passes for new visitors is a great way to show off the gym and how hip it is. Having games such as crate stacking, bench bouldering, dyno games or slack lining comps are easy ways to get your members to have fun in a memorable way. Some members may not come to the party but like knowing they are part of a gym that does throw parties. Team up with a local brewery or restaurant to offer drinks and snacks.

5. Ladies night

We’re not sure what this says about women’s feelings about men at the gym, but many women feel more comfortable climbing with other women. Offering half-off day passes to women during specific nights or offering ladies only instruction may help to bring in those reluctant ladies that are interested in climbing but have been intimidated by the all those swaggering men showing off their campusing skills.