Insider News Weekly: routesetting, trade shows, more… with gratitude

routesetter attaching a climbing hold

routesetter attaching a climbing hold

Just a few thoughts

As the holidays begin we all refocus on gratitude. At CBJ we are thankful for climbing in all forms, it’s such a incredible activity with so many benefits for so many people and communities. We are privileged to have climbing in our lives.

Below you’ll find more trade show info, lots of stuff from the world of routesetting, a celebration of 100yrs of female alpinism, and a 70-pitch urban roof climb.

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Insider Stuff

From The “Crag”

Capitan software

Talk With Athletes

Comp Scene

Eldorado Climbing

Trade Shows

Training Tips

Setting Beta & News

With CBJ Insider Weekly we share the best news and resources from across the world of climbing. It’s always the freshest, most recent, and valuable stuff we can find. Contact us with ideas and suggestions to include, and subscribe here to get this delivered to your inbox on Thursday mornings.

Setter Summit