Crux Matching Donations to J.E.D.I. Training Film PRESS RELEASE


Editor’s note: the following was sent from the business below and posted verbatim without edit or fact-check.

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (March 23, 2021)—The J.E.D.I (justice, equality, diversity, inclusion) Training Film, a documentary following San Antonio-based climber Bree Jameson’s journey to becoming the first Black woman in Texas to bolt a new sport climb and achieve a first ascent—a process that establishes a new route for climbers—is raising $20,000 in funds in partnership with Crux Climbing Center to complete the film. Crux will be matching all donations up to $10,000 until April 15.

Public lands are supposed to be just that, public, but a history of segregation and exclusion has created a “nature-gap” between white communities and communities of color. The lack of access is clear in Texas, where it is estimated that more than 95 percent of land is privately owned. Public climbing locations are limited and the majority of climbs have been established by white men.

“I’m so used to being the only person who looks like me doing the things that I want to do,” said Bree Jameson. “Normalizing activities such as rock climbing by representing people who look like me is incredibly important.”

The film is currently in production. Money from the fundraising efforts will be used to finish filming, pay crew members, rent gear, hire editors, and compose original music for the film’s score. If the film exceeds its fundraising goal, Director Drew Hayes and Producer Emilie Hernandez will use additional funds to apply to national and international film festivals, premiere the film at rock climbing gyms, and share Jameson’s story with other female climbers and outdoor recreation enthusiasts.

“Bree’s story has inspired us. We’re thrilled to support this film and help share her story with climbers across the country, ” said Kevin Goradia, co-founder and CEO of Crux Climbing Center. “Crux is a community-first climbing gym. We believe that climbing is for everyone, but we recognize that lack of access and other consequences of systemic racism have excluded communities of color from participating in climbing in the past. We’re committed to serving as part of the solution by supporting and welcoming climbers of color and sharing stories like Bree’s with the world.”

Find more information about the film and to donate, visit For more information about Crux, visit

This press release was written by the sponsor and does not represent the views of the Climbing Business Journal editorial team.
