Ascension of a “Sup’r” Exciting New Hold Brand

Sup'r Mini Eclipses
Sup’r is an IFSC Authorized Macros & Volumes Producer; the new Mini Eclipses (pictured) are some of the macros to keep an eye out for this World Cup season. (All photos courtesy of Sup’r Climbing)

Over the last couple of months, you may have seen Sup’r holds featured at major competitions across North America, Europe and Asia. Remember the top-clinching, stacked knee bar by Nathaniel Coleman at the USA Team Trials? It was on a red Sup’r hold! So, what is this new hold brand and who are behind the shapes?

Performance, Durability, Style

Sup’r is the creation of Gautier Supper and Thibault Toussaint, who have been climbing for over 30 years. Gautier is a renowned World Cup winner from France who starred on the international circuit for over a decade. He has coached the national team of China and is also a seasoned routesetter. Gautier’s business partner, Thibault, is an entrepreneur and artist who has traveled extensively and worked in businesses across four continents. The duo share a passion for climbing and a desire to share this passion with the world.

Gautier Supper climbing outdoors
Gautier at home in the French Alps.

The brand was eponymously named Supper when it began in 2017, and it wasn’t long before the grips were being featured at several World Cups. Last year, the company was rebranded to Sup’r. (In French, “supper” is pronounced “super”, but either way you pronounce Sup’r is completely acceptable.)

Gautier Supper and Thibault Toussaint shaping
The latest creations of Gautier (left) and Thibault (right) will result in dual-tex holds being added to the popular Eclipse range.

Gautier and Thibault started with a simple idea: to design innovative holds that combine performance, durability and style. In the last 6 months, Sup’r has launched almost 300 new holds, 83 fiberglass macros, and hundreds of wood volumes. These shapes are only the beginning. Gautier and Thibault constantly strive to expand their ranges in order to meet the diverse and evolving needs of climbers. They enjoy working with routesetters, gym owners and climbers to grow the community and tap into new ideas for interesting shapes and styles that will challenge professional climbers and beginners.

A Way of Life

Despite launching only a handful of years ago, Sup’r has already been present at numerous national and international competitions globally. If you haven’t seen or tried Sup’r holds at your gym, you will be able to see them on the climbing walls at this year’s World Cups and at the World Championships in Bern.

New Sup'r dual-tex holds on the way
The latest Sup’r grips—like the new dual-texture holds pictured here—are anticipated to make a splash when they hit the market soon.

Gautier and Thibault believe that climbing is not just a sport or a hobby but a way of life. “We plan to do more than offer high-quality holds,” Gautier explained. “We are excited about continuing to innovate in an industry that has given us so much.”

Stay tuned for what’s coming in the future from the Sup’r team. For now, in their words: “We hope you’ll have a Sup’r great time climbing!” 

Instagram: @suprclimbing


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